Solaroids: Prologue Trailer 2!!

Solaroids has a brand spanking new trailer! A lot has changed while in Steam Early Access over the last year, and it was high time to do a bit of a refresh.

The old trailer was created when I released a early build as the last Xbox Live Indie Game (XBLIG), a whole story of its own. It was definitely getting a bit dated and long-in-the-tooth. It also took too long to get to the action that was a staple of the genre, not to mention the totally crappy local multiplayer footage I created late at night by myself, trying to pilot multiple ships (sigh). For the nostalgic, here’s a link to Trailer 1 – RIP.

Often people wonder why the name Solaroids, and also can’t help to include tongue-in-cheek phrases that relate to biological issues I’d care not to discuss with you all. This trailer hints towards the overarching story to the game still in the planning stages, and hence the mix of Solar with Asteroids for familiarity and homage to its roots.

I’m still learning a ton about both Indie game development and marketing, and this new trailer original started out with different pacing. Some kind folks that hang out on the game development discords gave me some constructive critique. This resulted in me trimming the front to show gameplay quicker and trimming the quotes towards the end – which probably were excessive. Personally, I still like the old one in some ways, so if you’re a trailer connoisseur, I’d love to hear your critique about both versions.

Here’s the original version of Trailer 2, which I’ve dubbed the “extended cut”:

If you haven’t played Solaroids before, or you haven’t played it for some time, I hope you you’ll give it a try (free demo here), or brush of the dust and give it some play-time with the new features. Either way, please share some feedback in the Steam Community or in the new Solaroids Discord server. Also, if you like it or know someone that might, please help spread the word by sharing in your circles on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, or your other favorite social platforms/forums. It’s hard to get noticed among so many games.

Solaroids is available on Steam Early Access and is still being actively developed by Chad Yates as part-time Indie game developer.  Come try out the free Demo, join the Community HUB on steam, or join the ranks of brave fighter pilots defending the solar system and competing for high scores and prestige!

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